Gano Elevator

Luis Castillo, Branch Manager
Phone: 620-275-1222
Cell:  620-290-2641

(Click on an elevator name to see
info about that particular elevator.)

Garden City Co-op Elevators
Garden City Elevators A & B
Pierceville Elevator
Tennis Elevator
Deerfield Elevator
Lowe Elevator
Wolf Elevator
Charleston Elevator
Gano Elevator
Friend Elevator
Plymell Elevator
Rock Island Elevator
Ulysses Elevator
Hickok Elevator
Milepost Elevator
Lakin Elevator
Dighton Elevator
Amy Elevator
Shields Elevator
Alamota Elevator

Gano Elevator
2790 W. Gano Road
Garden City, KS 67846

Grains Handled: Wheat, Corn
Hours of Operation: 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The Gano Elevator was built in 1948 for George Gano. It was called the Gano-Horace Elevator, named after Mr. Gano and Horace, a small town west of Tribune, where Mr. Gano had large land holdings.

Over the years, storage buildings were moved onto the site and 2 tenant houses were built. In 1960, a new addition was built on the east end of the elevator, bringing the storage capacity to 677,000 bushels.

The Garden City Co-op purchased the elevator from Far-Mar-Co in 1975.


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